2009年9月22日 星期二

Playability Heuristics for

Mobile Games

Hannu KorhonenElina M.I. Koivisto

Nokia Research Center


使用性的探討著重於效率性及有效性,但就遊戲設計而言並不合適,例如一般軟體所強調的效率,是探討使用者必須通過多少途徑來完成他們的工作,但對於遊戲設計來說,每個玩家都想完成任務都想拿到寶物,如果追求效率,這似乎失去了挑戰性;而有效性亦同,若只提共一個有效率的途徑的話,那遊戲的可再玩性將大幅降低,所以這裡提出適合遊戲的使用性(Game Usability)、遊戲(Gameplay)、移動性(Mobility),再做個別探討,提出評估的法則(相關法則如附表)







Game Usability Heuristics

Gameplay Heuristics

Mobility Heuristics

1 .Audio-visual representation supports the game

2 .Screen layout is efficient and visually pleasing

3 .Device UI and game UI are used for their own purposes

4.Indicators are visible

5 .The player understands the terminology

6 .Navigation is consistent, logical, and minimalist

7 .Control keys are consistent and follow standard conventions

8 .Game controls are convenient and flexible

9 .The game gives feedback on the player’s actions

10 .The player cannot make irreversible errors

11 .The player does not have to memorize things unnecessarily

12.The game contains help

1 The game provides clear goals or supports playercreated goals

2 The player sees the progress in the game and can compare the results

3 The players are rewarded and rewards are meaningful

4 The player is in control

5 Challenge, strategy, and pace are in balance

6 The first-time experience is encouraging

7 The game story supports the gameplay and is meaningful

8 There are no repetitive or boring tasks

9 The players can express themselves

10 The game supports different playing styles

11 The game does not stagnate

12 The game is consistent

13 The player does not lose any hard-won possessions

1 The game and play sessions can be started quickly

2 The game accommodates with the surroundings

3 Interruptions are handled r


